Tuesday, November 20, 2007

le trip

New Jersey feels like cancer
It is old, and no one knows its origins

New York feels
It just feels

They have a grand house
A grand yard in which roams a white fox
It will snow outside
But they are not happy

On 87 north I panicked
Even with a GPS
I panicked
So much for my buddha nature

More like bubba nature

Howard the lawyer
Is straight out of good fellas
He is an ace and an ass at the same time

He is made of iron,
And clay
Spirit mixed with flesh

I read Buddhism
During this trip
koan: buddhism is not in books. The sky is not a canvas

I think I am falling in love with her again


1 comment:

Umar Timol said...

j'aime bien. simple et eliptique. son intensite provient du non-dit, de ce que tu laisses deviner.
